On Fri, Nov 02, 2001 at 02:18:35PM -0800, Mike Ressler wrote:

> Aiighh! I smell disaster in the air! Are the xforms/qt2 differences just
> because qt2 hasn't "caught up" to the xforms style yet, or are the
> differences truly permanent?

Mostly permanent.

The reasoning is simple: it's far easier to work on the interface in Qt2 than
it is with xforms. So personally when I "improve" things[1] I don't tend to
do so in xforms too, sometimes because it's tedious, and sometimes because
it's basically far too painful / nearly impossible.

[1] a lot of my changes are prolly bad or incomplete, I want people to test them ...

> This will make the CUA vs. emacs keybindings
> issue seem utterly trivial if they are permanently different. For now,
> let's declare the xforms version to be "correct", and the only one to be
> documented.

this makes perfect sense.

I would hope that the Qt2 dialogs are intuitive enough to not need documentation.
Remeber the dialogs have the same responsibilities, so if there is e.g. a boolean
flag, it will be in both dialogs.


"I'm dismayed whenever libertarianism and programming are associated; in my
 mind, it is as nebulous as associating people who write books as communists or
 those who read newspapers as capitalists."
        - graydon

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