I send you my translation your manual intro.lyx from english to czech.this my 
transaltion contains errors and file is impossible print.  You certeainly repair this 
errors. Can you send me via e-mail this correct file ? I have Lyx from suse linux 7.2, 
that i become from suse cr s.r.o. (SuSE czech republic gmbh.) for my  writing article 
about suse linux for PC yournal chip czech edition. I am writing article now about pc 
books for czech pc journals for example "chip czech edition" and "softwarove noviny" 
(for example my article in chip cz 2/2002 and in softwarove noviny 2/2002). Now I want 
write article about your lyx. Send me via e-mail info about news in your project LyX. 
I want translate yours manuals for Lyx and publish this translantion in chip czech 
edition. Exist somebody, who translate your manuals in czech republic? I have contact 
to [EMAIL PROTECTED] I Downloaded your lyx for windows (file lyx-1.1.6fix4-i386-2.tgz) 
from your ftp server, but I do not know install: can you help me? Is this file really 
for windows ? If this file is not for windows, where i can  download this programm for 
windows.I have information from suse cz,  lyx for win is on the server some in 
hannover, but i do not know exact address. Can you send me printing manual for lyx?

RNDr. Karel Vasicek, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
druzstevni 117
530 09 Pardubice
czech republic
telephone 00420605848934 (handy)

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