Here is a mail I received from Hartmut Haase, and I figure it is
better to discuss it here.

Hartmut, I am not sure that I understand the rationale of the changes.
Chapter 3 (Supplemental tools) concerns stuff that LyX can handle
through its GUI, whereas Chapter 7, if I understand correctly, is more
related to use of ERT.

You also propose to move the description of the various textclasses to
the end of the document. Why?


--- Begin Message ---
Hi Jean-Marc,
some time ago I promised to make a proposal for the re-arrangement of the 
extende dco. Here is my sequence:
chapters 1, 2
3.1 - 3.10
3.11 = old 7.1
3.17 = old 7.7
4 = old 5
5 = old 6
6 = old 4
Regards, Hartmut 


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--- End Message ---

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