I'll split my proposals to mails of five proposals to keep the overview. Here the first five, others will follow the next days.

1. The last months I teached LyX to some colleagues and they all complained that there is no button in the toolbar for "view/update dvi". Therefore I designed a new toolbar with new buttons. It looks like in the attached file toolbar.png. I added two buttons for dvi, one button for export->pdf, the search and find button, and the button for depth-decrement.
The latter because nobody understands why we have a button for depth-increment but not for decrement.
I tested this toolbar for the last month while reworking the userguide, and I find it very ergonomic. What is your opinion?
(I attached the xpm for the new buttons)

2. We should strictly separate
- emphasize and italic
- noun and small caps
Emphasize and noun are logical attributes and every document class can define its own font for them.
This will help to fullfill writing style restrictions of some publisher classes.
At the moment you can mark italic text, press the toolbar button for emphasizing and the text becomes upright.

3. A minor change in the Layout->Document->Layout dialog:
+ paragraph separation
- separation
Because I noticed that newbies don't understand what to separate.

4. When you create a new label, LyX will start with a prefix, e.g. "eq:" when you label a formula. The current prefixes are:
- "cha:" for chapters
- "cap:" for captions
I would propose to change them to:
- "chap:" for chapters, because this is more intuitive
- "fig:" for figure captions
- "tab:" for table captipons
- "alg:" for algorithm caption
The latter three would improve the searching for references in large documents. My proposals were used in former versions of LyX, as you can see in the current userguide. So I just want this behaviour back.

5. We should add the entries "capitalized", "upcase" and "lowcase" to the combobox "misc" in the the dialog Layout->Character. Because they are implemented in LyX - there are the following well-working entries in the file menu.bind:

\bind "M-c Down"              "word-lowcase"
\bind "M-c Up"                        "word-upcase"
\bind "M-c Right"             "word-capitalize"

But as they are not available in a menu nor documented, nobody will use them.

Enough for today. Thanks for your patience and regards

p.s. rework docs status: 100% of Intro.lyx, 70% of Userguide.lyx
Sorry, but the docs are huge and I didn't have much rainy afternoons ;-).

<<inline: toolbar.png>>

/* XPM */
static char * buffer-view_pdf[] = {
"18 20 2 1",
"  c red",
". c None",
"........ .........",
".......   ........",
"....... . ........",
".......   ........",
"........ .........",
"........  ........",
"....... . ........",
"....... ..  ......",
"....... ...  .  ..",
"...... ....   ..  ",
"..... ..   ...    ",
".....   ..........",
"....  ............",
"..   .............",
". .. .............",
" .. ..............",
".  ...............",
/* XPM */
static char const * view_dvi_xpm[] = {
"20 20 2 1",
"       c None",
".      c #000000000000",
"                    ",
"     .............. ",
"     .            . ",
"   ...            . ",
" ... .            . ",
" . . .            . ",
" . . .    .       . ",
" . . .    .     . . ",
" . . .    .       . ",
" . . .  ... . . . . ",
" . . . .  . . . . . ",
" . . . .  . . . . . ",
" . . .  ...  .  . . ",
" . . .            . ",
" . . .............. ",
" . .            .   ",
" . ..............   ",
" .            .     ",
" ..............     ",
"                    "};

/* XPM */
static char const * find_xpm[] = {
"17 20 3 1",
"  c black",
"; c none",
": c gray100",
";;;;   ;;;   ;;;;",
";;;; : ;;; : ;;;;",
";;;;   ;;;   ;;;;",
";;;     ;     ;;;",
";;; :   ; :   ;;;",
";;             ;;",
";  :   :  :     ;",
";  :   :  :     ;",
";  :      :     ;",
";       ;       ;",
"; :   ;;;;; :   ;",
"; :   ;;;;; :   ;",
";     ;;;;;     ;",
/* XPM */
static char const * run_latex_xpm[] = {
"19 20 2 1",
"    c None",
".   c #000000000000",
"                   ",
" ..................",
" .                .",
" .                .",
" .                .",
" .     .          .",
" .     .       .  .",
" .     .          .",
" .  .... .   . .  .",
" . .   . .   . .  .",
" . .   . .   . .  .",
" . .   .  . .  .  .",
" .  ...    .   .  .",
" .                .",
" .                .",
" .                .",
" .                .",
" ..................",
"                   ",
"                   "};

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