Uwe Stöhr wrote:

> Hello LyXers,
> I want to restart to work on the documentation but at first want to have
> you OK about the HOW.


> The documentation is currently out of date, many menu names have changed
> since the last release, new features like change tracking are not or not
> properly explained.
> Then main problem I see is that we don't have somebody who's actively
> working on the documentation. But besides this the inconsistent
> documentation we currently have is a result that the developer of a new
> feature add a section to the userguide without cross-checking if the
> section is consistent with others. That can be excused due to lack of
> time but for the future I propose this way:

Consistency is nice, but more important is that a feature is documented at
all. You have a chance to find something in a badly organised manual, you
don't have a chance to find something that is not contained in the manual.

> ---
> When a new feature is implemented to be released in the next LyX version
> the developer(s) who wrote the feature create a separate LyX-document
> describing the feature. Then somebody who wasn't involved in the
> development of the feature checks if he's able to use the feature as
> described. This would help us to implement features user friendly
> because the revisers of the document will lead to feedback about the
> implementation, the usability and the stability of the feature before
> the feature is released. If the feature is stable its describing
> document is implemented into the userguide.

This is too complicated IMO. I would already be very pleased if developers
who implement a new feature/rearrange menu entries would simply add a
section to the appropriate manual/reflect the changed menus.

I fear that if these things have to be implemented in a separate document
documentation updates will happen even less than it currently does.

By all means it should be avoided that translated docs become more
recent/contain more information. This is the case with the current german
userguide, but if other languages start to do this too we get a mess. The
english version is the master version, the other languges should be kept up
to date by the translators.

Uwe, I think that you should work on the official documentation from the
beginning, and put it frequently in svn. Otherwise I fear that we'll get a
situation similar to your windows installer where there was a lot of
duplicated effort.


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