On 05/06/2014 11:44 PM, Barry Brent wrote:

I'm using your Mac OS version. In section 2.1 of your document "The LyX Tutorial" you mention several files:

"Finally, we have written a file called example_raw.lyx to let you practice your LyX skills. Imagine that it was typed by someone who did not know about any of LyX's great features. As you learn new LyX functions, we will suggest that you fix those parts of example_raw.lyx. It also contains `subtle' hints about how to fix things.
The hints are located in yellow "Notes". Access the text in a note by clicking on it. If you want to cheat, or check what you have done, there is also a file called example_lyxified.lyx which contains the same text written and typeset by a LyX master. The example files can be found in the examples directory of LyX's installation folder. Open the document example_raw.lyx and use File?Save As to save a copy in your own directory for you to work on. As you fix parts of the raw document, check to see how those changes affect the output. By the way, the examples directory contains lots of other examples files. They will show you how to do various fancy things with LyX. After you have read the Tutorial, or when you are confused about how to do something fancy in LyX, take a look at these files.

Using the Mac's "Find" tool, I don't find the files. (I do have some other lyx examples from, for example, a texlive i-package.) I think I believe Mac's claim that the said files are not on my machine.

Is there an updated version of your manuals, compatible with your Mac version?

There are some weirdnesses about how these files are installed on Mac. I don't understand the issues myself, as I do not use proprietary software. But you can get the files from


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