>>>>> "Norbert" == Norbert Stribeck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Norbert> Under Linux I appear to have problems with installing
Norbert> "xforms" in a way that it can be found during the
Norbert> compilation. Even after installation calls to "ldconfig" and
Norbert> fiddling around with symbolic links manually it didn't work
Norbert> until I found out that I was supposed to (probably?) edit
Norbert> "mkconfig.h". There I changed to LIB_TOPDIR=/usr/X11, and,
Norbert> voila, the make script no longer complained about missing
Norbert> xforms.

Norbert> What remains are many complaints concerning undefined
Norbert> references to, e. g., "fl_set_browser_hscrollbar". Looks as
Norbert> if forms.h was not included. What magic links or paths should
Norbert> be set or what could I check now?

I guess you have an older forms.h file lying somewhere on your
system and this one is read instead of the right one. One place to
check for is /usr/local/include.


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