Hi there,

I for myself got satisfied results using the psd2pdf that is included in
the Ghostscript 5.50 package. Indeed the GS 5.10-ps2pdf produces large
files but the GS 5.50 reduces it very well.

gs-5.10 ps2pdf: file size 1.373.051
gs-5.50 ps2pdf: file size   264.232

Anyway, I do agree with the wish to have a pdf-export possibility
integrated in LyX.



Stephan E. Schlierf M.A.
 - Product Management -
    ++49 9254 960332
CSE GmbH         Germany

On Tue, 21 Sep 1999, Florian Cramer wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 21, 1999 at 09:31:21PM +0200, Tobias Klaus wrote:
> > Is there a way to convert a lyx file directly into pdf? 
> > Would be nice, since pdftex gets stuck with lyx-exported latex-files,
> > and ps2pdf produces very large files.
> Use "pdflatex", not "pdftex". This will do the job just fine! (You can
> even trigger Acrobat Reader-specific features such as author and
> keyword signatures or the initial display zoom factor using the
> 'hyperref' latex package. All it needs is a customization line in the
> document preamble; the hyperref documentation tells you how to do it.)
> Florian
> -- 
> Florian Cramer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, PGP public key ID 6440BA05
> combinatory poetry site: <http://permutations.home.ml.org>

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