
On 23-Sep-99 Nabil Hathout wrote:

> Jean-Pierre.Chretien writes: > 
>  > I did not find how type in « in LyX (did not search a lot however), so
>  > I use the facility of french GUTenberg style to type in <<  (with a blank)
>  > 
>  > -- 
>  > Jean-Pierre
>  > 
> You just need to select «text» in the Quotes item of the Layout menu.

        I seem to recall reading a month or more ago that LyX (or possibly
LaTeX) already inserts a small blank space when « or » is used; check the
mailing list archives for "guillemet" or, as it's called in the typesetting
language, "guillemot".  (I believe a French-speaking person said that's a kind
of bird...?  :)

Good luck,

// Carl Hudkins ]=[ ICQ: 5723399 ]=[ PGP: 0x50238d9e
// "I've given up on the whole dating scene.  I've
//  decided to reproduce by asexual cell division."
//         --Wally

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