>>>>> "Svante" == Svante Signell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Svante> Hello, I have built the lyx distributions for a long time now
Svante> using gcc- However when compiling lyx-1.0.4 I had
Svante> upgraded to gcc-2.95.1 and found out that the compiler is VERY
Svante> picky about type declarations. The compiler did classify
Svante> undeclared function types in Xlib.h and Xutil.h from the
Svante> X11R6.3 distribution as errors, not warnings!! The included
Svante> header files, via forms.h, were treated as C++ header files
Svante> instead of C header files.

Svante> The only way I found to solve this was to add the -fpermissive
Svante> directive to the compiler. Another way which I did later was
Svante> to edit the header files themseves by replacing all 'extern
Svante> XFunction' with 'extern int XFunction'. Is this the correct
Svante> default for undeclared functions in earlier versions of gcc?
Svante> At least the executable seem to run correctly.

Yes, I've heard about this problem... I do not know what a good
solution would be in this case. A special case for gcc 2.95? I am sure
other software projects have this problem too. It would be interesting
to know how it has been fixed.


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