I´ve now translated everything so that the PS output is in German. I
have some questions though.
First I notice that when a "Standard" text follows a
subsection/subsubsection, the text is not displayed below, but rather
next to the subsection title (= the linebreak is missing). I find
this very annoying, how can I fix that?
Second, is there a way to bind "layouts" to keys? As I am writing a
quite long mathematical text with often changing parts ("theorem",
"proof", "definition") I spend too much time grabbing the mouse and
looking for the appropriate entry in the popup list. I´d much more
prefer to rather just press F1...F10 or whatever.
And last, how can I enter using just the keyboard these parentheses
which resize according to their contents? In the lyx and latex file
they are called \( and \), but when entering \( or \) I get
parenthesis but only with a fixed size?
It would also be nice if I could use the math panel just with the
keyboard. This, together with point 2, would make life much easier.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Tschau, ICQ 28589118 PGP-Key available