On Wed, 29 Mar 2000, Ned Konz wrote:

> Hello all,
> I've just discovered lyx and joined the list.
> I like lyx, but have no particular interest in tex. I do need
> to produce SGML, HTML and PDF (at least) documentation.
> I had been using troff and the -me macro package, just because
> of familiarity (I actually ran a commercial database typesetting
> business in the early '80's using troff), but now have to share
> docs with other people. It's easier to point them to lyx. Also,
> I hadn't figured out yet how to do PDF bookmarks in that environment.
> But I'm having a couple of problems:
> (1) I've tried the linuxdoc and docbook templates, but have been
> unable to successfully include pictures.
> I can include them and see them on the screen, but they're
> absent in the "View DVI" or "View PS".
> That is, I go:
>       File/New from Template
>       name file
>       choose template "docbook_template.lyx"
>       insert figure (for instance, platypus clipart) at end
>       view DVI
> Also, I get a bunch of error output to the console (see attached
> file lyx.log).
> I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, but don't know what.
> I can see the figures if I start with just a new document (not
> a docbook or linuxdoc).
> (2) Also, I'd like to produce PDF output, with bookmarks automatically
> produced from my links and headings. How do I do this?

Make sure you've installed a current Ghostscript release (should be 5.50
or later)

Include the follwoing line in your LaTeX preamble (via Layout -> LaTeX

you want},linktocpage,colorlinks=true]{hyperref}  <== one line

Export your file as a PS-file (File -> export -> as postscript)

Use the "ps2pdf"-tool to create a pdf-file, for example:

ps2pdf foo.ps foo.pdf

Enjoy your pdf-file (:-)



Stephan E. Schlierf M.A.
-  Product Management  -
PHONE:  ++49 9254 960632
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CSE GmbH         Germany

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