\num_lastfiles n 

where n is the number you wand, in your .lyxrc should do the trick.


On  1 Apr, Paul Lambert wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there a way to extend the number of recently used
> files displayed on the File- menu in a new lyx
> session? I've hunted through the manuals but couldn't
> find one. My current setting is 4, I'm using (cough!)
> 1.0.3.
> Thanks,
> Paul
> =====
> |---------------------------------------------------------|
> |Paul Lambert                  |    Tel:                  |
> |Centre for Applied Statistics |   01524 65201 Exts :     |
> |Lancaster University          | 93072/93068 (Office/Lab) |
> | http://www.lancs.ac.uk/postgrad/lambertp/Default.htm    |
> |---------------------------------------------------------|
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