Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
> In Latex a tilde (~) is used behind a point in an abbreviation such as Dr. Smith
> or i.e. (alternative \space, but in this case line break is possible)
> In Lyx I am not sure how to do it. If I write
> Dr.Smith the distance is too small
> Dr. Smith too large
> With Dr.~Smith (~ in Tex, red) even larger.
> Thanks for a hint

There is a "protected blank" in LyX.  It is inserted by "Ctrl" + "Space"
or by using the "Insert"->"Special Character"->"Protected Blank"
pulldown menu.

                                        Happy LyXing



     Dirk Klugmann
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     Permoserstrasse 15                       FAX: +49 341 235 - 2139
     D-04318 Leipzig                       E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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