Sorry for taking so long to reply, I have been out of town.  First the env

<<< Environment Variables >>>

    winbootdir:              C:\WIN
    COMSPEC:                 C:\COMMAND.COM
    DISPLAY:                 localhost:0.0
    PROMPT:                  $p$g
    MGA:                     C:\MGA\SETUP\
    PCPLUS:                  E:\PCPLUS
    TEMP:                    E:\temp
    DIRCMD:                  /p /a /2 /o:gen
    TMP:                     c:\win\temp
    WSWWORK:                 c:\win\temp
    CLASSPATH:               .\;;e:\Program Files\VREAM\wirl\java\classes;
    LD_LIBRARY_PATH:         .\;c:\netscape\PROGRAM\plugins;
    GS_PATH:                 E:\tex\BIN\WIN32\GSWIN32C.EXE
    GS_LIB:                  E:\tex\BIN\WIN32;C:\PSFONTS
    TEXMFCNF:                e:\TeX\texmf.local\web2c
    FPTEX:                   e:\TEX
    DBROOT:                  e:\Adabas
    DBWORK:                  e:\Adabas\sql
    DBCONFIG:                e:\Adabas\sql
    CMDLINE:                 WIN
    windir:                  C:\WIN
    SNDSCAPE:                C:\WIN
    BLASTER:                 A220 I7 D3 T2 



I have only tried to call relyx from LyX import.

Any clues?

Sheldon Oppenheim Ph.D. Chem.Eng.
Room 56-270
Biomaterials Laboratory
400 Main Street
Cambridge, MA 02139


> Would you please tell me how you have called relyx? Out of a dos box? Out of
> a shell? Please write out all environment variables ('set' in dos, 'env' in
> a shell)! Most problems on computers are due to a wrong environment ;-(
> I do call relyx in a shell. But I have installed the full release of cygwin,
> so there may be some files which you do not have. I will try the same as you
> and maybe I can find what relyx needs more to run correctly!
> Regards
> Claus

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