
After the suggestions from this list (thanks!) and asking in comp.text.tex I
figured that the low quality printing problem could be solved if I were to use
the computer modern fonts as Type I (postscript).  This turned out to be very
simple, as those fonts were already in my machine and all I needed to do was
modify the script updmap and run it. 

This also has had the added benefit of allowing me to get better quality from

However, I've run into a minor problem; I cannot use the 


If I do, I do not get Type I computer modern fonts.

I assume this is a common problem when one uses Type I computer modern fonts?
Any work arounds (to get the hyphenation patterns and special symbos I can get
with T1)? I think several people in this list also use pdflatex, and so I
thought some of you might have run into these problems in the past.



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