I am a long time LyX user and I am kind of in trouble. I am giving a
presentation on Friday and I kinda bet on that I can do it with LyX/pstricks
just as good as with Powerpoint. The presentation has lots and lots of formulas
and some screenshots too. 

I am using foiltex with a modified layout file that lets me put graded
background behind the slides. Then I convert to pdf with ps2pdf because I can
not get pdflatex to work with  pstricks. 
My problem is of course the fonts... They just look crappy on the projector....
especially the math fonts. 
So what can I do, I know there was a lengthy discussion on Type1 fonts here
lately but I dont understand the whole issue.... 
Can anyone clue me in on this or give me pointer where to find
__comprehensive__ (Remember I am under time pressure big time :-) information?
Are there fonts optimized for the screen, i.e. 75dpi ?
Are there better math fonts than the default? And most importantly how would I
use these? 
Any clues on how to get figures (gif png whatever) into the presentation
without scaling these, i.e. in there original resolution so they dont look

I very much appreciate any help on this. Yes, I will start earlier next
time but some things never change....

PS: If anybody is interested in how to use these graded backgrounds in
combination with foiltex and the foils layout I'll be happy to write a
mini-howto and summarize the process of making presentations for scientific
purposes with LyX after this is over.

Thanks a lot

Roland Krause
Visiting Research Associate - Center for Computational Mechanics
Washington University, Saint Louis

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