Unfortunately, many publishers in linguistics have standardised on
MSWord or RTF as interchange formats.  I have had only mixed success
with the existing tex2rtf filters.  However, the LyX display gives a
pretty good approximation of the desired output. I wonder whether it
would be feasible to do an `RTF screen dump' of the partially formatted
LyX display, preserving character styles, etc. It might be that
XML-based editors like AbiWord are the right tool for this type of task,
though it seems on the face of it that the LyX screen rendering engine
does much of the work already.

Just a thought \ldots

-Jim Blevins
Research Centre for English and Applied Linguistics
University of Cambridge        tel: +44 1223 332334
Keynes House, Trumpington St   fax: +44 1223 330253
Cambridge, CB2 1QA, UK         www.rceal.cam.ac.uk/

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