I have three graphs belonging to the same paragraph, and want the appear
together beside the text. A part of the text consist of a 'itemize'
paragraph. I tried to achieve this in several ways but I do not succeed:
1)  Inserting three separate figure floats. Inserting figure floats in at
'itemize' environment results in error messages (missing \item commands)
2) Inserting three figures in one float. The figures don't even appear.
When I insert only two pictures, the second figure overlaps with the text.
3) Inserting the figures in a table in a figure float. With the 'floatflt'
option disabled it works, but when I enable it, everything is gone again.

How can I deal with this? I prefer to have three floats, since I prefer to
have three captions.

Another problem is that some pictures are transparant. This are .eps files
create from normal .ps files with ps2epsi.

Who can help me?


Martijn Brouwer

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