
Herbert Voss wrote:
> Laurent DUVAL wrote:
> >
> > *1. writing it exactly as ä
> > *2. using "a instead of ä (the LaTex way)
> >

> i don't really know if you need the umlauts or accents for
> fomula text, which is in italic or normal text, not italic.
> 1. real text in mathmode:
> open the blue mathbox and write your formula until you need
> german umlauts or accents. hit alt-m m, this toggles between
> text and mathmode.

works, but doesn't look very nice because of
different forms !
> 2. umlauts and accents in mathmode, means italic:
> open the blue mathbox and write your formula until you need
> german umlauts or accents. write

Doesn't work at least for me because I couldn't
insert the \, more precisely nothing happened !
> \mbox{
> only the open parenthesis, lyx puts by default the closing
> one, mbox{}. lyx don't show the backslash!
> as an argument for mbox write
> \mathit{
> lyx puts the closing parenthesis, so you have mbox{mathit{}}
> as an argument for amthit write your umlauts or letters with
> accents. at this point lyx don't know that you are writing
> in "mathtextmode", therefore you always have blue characters
> and space is only possible with control-space. you can change
> this with alt-m m.

The same results as in proposal 2 no backslash is
accepted (mathtext- and meth- mode!)
> Herbert


BTW, I have attached the example file. Meanwhile I
have changed Description to Standard enviroment,
but this didn't work anyhow !
> --
> http://perce.de/voss
#LyX 1.1 created this file. For more info see http://www.lyx.org/
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\begin_inset Formula \( \frac{Anzahl\, der\, F\textrm{ä}lle\, zu\, einem\, Zeitpunkt\, 
in\, einer\, Population}{Anzahl\, der\: Personen\, in\, der\, definierten\, 
Population} \)


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