Christian Schmitt wrote:
> On Tue, 17 Oct 2000, Paul E Johnson wrote:
> You have to create / get a corresponding lyx layout file for your latex
> package. Just check out chapter 6 of the lyx customization manual.
> Christian

Yesterday I asked about using the Kluwer company's kbk.cls with lyx. 
Christian pointed me in the right direction.  There is one part I don't
understand about it. If I could use just a bit more of your patience:

Here is my problem.  kbk.cls is a big, long confusing file and I don't
understand all the stuff in there!  I'm looking at the Kluwer sample
document trying to figure out which TeX markup refers to general LaTeX
things and which are specific to the kbk.cls file.  It is puzzling, for
sure.  I don't think I could ever feel confident that all elements of
the kbk.cls had been entered into the layout file I create.

So what are my options?  I need to understand where lyx's layout file
separates in function from the kbk.cls file.  It is a bit discouraging
to me.

What is the absolute minimum needed for a workable layout file?  I tried
a "skeleton" layout file:

#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
#  \DeclareLaTeXClass[kbk,kbkps.sty]{book (kbk)}

Lyx finds the document type, but it cannot use it. The error is
"Conversion errors! unable to switch to new document class".  So I'm
missing at least one fundamental element.

But once I find the minimum layout file, won't I be able to generate
documents that match the kbk.cls information?  I understand the "on
screen" appearance of LyX will not be accurage because I may not have
not  defined fonts in the layout file.  I will not have "point and
click" access to any special environments that exist in kbk.cls.  If
there are special things to be inserted, I have to use ERT. OK.   

But won't the dvi and postscript output be true to the 

Paul E. Johnson                       email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dept. of Political Science  
University of Kansas                  Office: (785) 864-9086
Lawrence, Kansas 66045                FAX: (785) 864-5700

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