
My girlfiend wants to know:

If I am citing in Lyx,  the citation gets a number, which is shown in the
text and at the end of the document. But I do not just want to cite  
numbers but something like [name et.al., year]. If I put this information
in the comment lane, it shows after printing [12, name et.al., year]. So it
shows the number which I do not want to see, neither in the document and nor
in the reference list at the end of the text. (In the reference list I also
want  [name et.al., year] to appear!)

Is there a way to change the style lyx (tex) is printing the citation. I 
guess it is again one of these magic lines in the preamble, isn't it?



Ingenieure Kellermann, Voigt, Hoepfl, Eichler, Weidner und Klinger 

DSP Solutions                           http://www.dspsolutions.de

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