Bas Spitters wrote:
> I would like to make annotations in an article, in such a way that I can
> print the article with or without the annotations. I.e. something like
> this:
> With annotations it would look like:
> This is the main text.
> This a paragraph with annotations.
> This is the main text again.
> Without annotations it would look like:
> This is the main text.
> This is the main text again.
> I can probably find a way of doing this in LaTeX, but is there a nice
> way of doing it in LyX?

in latex preamble


your text looks like

This is the main text.
\ifthenelse{\boolean{PrintAnnotation}}{%  <-   in tex (red)
... This a paragraph with annotations ... 
}{}%   <- in tex (red)
This is the main text again.

that's all! when you change the boolean PrintAnnotation in latex
preamble to


your annotations will be ignored!

the latex command write in tex (red)

\ifthenelse{\boolean{PrintAnnotation}}{ ... }{}

the dots stand for any text with any commands

maybe that there's a better solution with the package comment.



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