On Mon, Feb 05, 2001 at 09:51:37PM +0100, Friedemann Baitinger wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I am having real problems with integrating figures into LyX documents.
> If I include them as .eps files, then for instance "View -> PDF
> (pdflatex)" does not work. If I leave the .eps extension away, then
> the figures are not rendered correctly in the LyX GUI, and the "View ->
> DVI" causes Latex to hang in the background for way too long and
> eventually aborts with >50 error boxes, however, the "View ->
> PDF" obviously works this way. (I am using xfig to create the figures
> and then fig2dev commandlines to generate .eps and .pdf out of the .fig
> files)

What errors are you getting ?

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