On Fri, Feb 09, 2001 at 08:42:12AM -0600, Peter Sanders wrote:
> Ok,
>  I ran ldconfig -v and get (with a bunch snipped...)
> ...
> /usr/X11R6/lib:
>     ....
>     libforms.so.0.89 -> libforms.so.0.89
>     ....
> Re-doing the install of lyx-1.1.6-1.i386.rpm gets
> #rpm -ivh lyx-1.1.6-1.i386.rpm
> error: failed dependencies:
>     libforms.so.0.88 is needed by lyx-1.1.6-1
> Should I have ignored the xforms web page's recommendation to get xforms-0.89-6
> level and looked for the 0.88 level?
> Thanks
> Peter
 You can try rebuilding the RPM from the src.rpm.

Try doing rpm --rebuild lyx-1.1.6fix1.src.rpm and then install the RPM
generated on your machine. That will use your xforms version.

Kayvan A. Sylvan                   | Proud husband of      | Father to my kids:
Sylvan Associates, Inc.            | Laura Isabella Sylvan | Katherine Yelena
http://www.successlinks.com/kayvan | Reach your goals now! | Robin Gregory

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