On Oct 20, 2014 7:46 AM, "Julio Rojas" <jcredbe...@gmail.com <mailto:jcredbe...@gmail.com>> wrote: > Unfortunately, it is so. My wife has both versions and Lyx on Retina is not a useless application, but a very difficult one to work with.

My experience is quite different (though of course YMMV). There is no doubt that the screen fonts in LyX ≤2.1.2 look much better on a non-Retina display when examined close up; on a rMBP, the edges of font characters and most icons are blurred and pixelated. But I find that, with the right choice of screen fonts (notably, in my case, Georgia for the main text font), if I am working at a comfortable distance from the screen (including with the laptop in my lap), the blurred/pixelated edges of the fonts are not noticeable. (For the record, my (corrected) vision is very good.)

That said, there is little doubt that the LyX user experience on the rMBP will be much better still when the version with Retina support comes out, and I eagerly await it. (IIRC Stephan thinks that might be around Christmas.)

Stephan (or anyone), quick question: Is there any reason to think screen fonts in LyX 2.1.2 will look appreciably better or worse on a new 5k-Retina iMac than on a rMBP?


   On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 12:38 AM, Jerry <lancebo...@qwest.net
   <mailto:lancebo...@qwest.net>> wrote:

       On Oct 5, 2014, at 10:28 PM, Stephan Witt <st.w...@gmx.net
       <mailto:st.w...@gmx.net>> wrote:

        > Am 05.10.2014 um 21:47 schrieb Tino Langer
       <tino.lan...@gmx.net <mailto:tino.lan...@gmx.net>>:
        >> Hi all,
        >> I just installed lyx 2.1.2 on OSX 10.9.5, using MacTeX in
        >> I’m a little bit confused because the font in the editor
       area and also the icons at the toolbar are very blurred. Are
       there any options I have to change to get antialiased fonts and
       clear icons?
        >> Thanks a lot! - Tino
        > Hi Tino,
        > you're using a display with very high resolution, the so
       called Retina-display.
        > LyX isn't ready to display the contents of the work area and
       the icons on
        > a Mac with Retina display.  So, no, there is no option to
       enable the display
        > with full screen resolution on your Mac.  You have to wait
       for a new version
        > of LyX.
        > Stephan

       Surely LyX on a Retina display is no worse than on a
       normal-resolution display, right?

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