Thank you Gunter!

I made the changes in Documents > Settings and in Tools > Preferences and
everything ran smoothly the first time. It took me a second to remember to
reset the screen font before typing this but everything looks like it is
working well.
The font looks like the footprints of a demented pigeon on drugs but I hope
to get used to it. It cannot be worse than my handwriting.

On 15 February 2015 at 15:16, Guenter Milde <> wrote:

> On 2015-02-15, John Kane wrote:
> > [-- Type: text/plain, Encoding: quoted-printable --]
> >  I have run into an interesting attempt to reform English orthography
> > (, bottom of page) and
> thought
> > I'd like to play with it.
> > There is an associated font (
> ,
> > bottom of page) that I have successfully downloaded and install in
> Ubuntu.
> > I can type with it in Apache OpenOffice, at least.
> > How to I get it into LyX?
> > What appears to be the relevant Wiki
> > (
> )
> > says : If your preferred font is not in the list, set everything to
> > "Default" in the font section and add to Document→Preamble something
> like:
> > \renewcommand{\familydefault}{pag}
> > \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{pag}
> > (the exact command is usually described in the documentation of the font
> > package; please read that, there are considerable differences)
> > However there does not appear to be any documentation whatsoever with the
> > package.
> This is about 8-bit TeX fonts, that usually come with a LaTeX package to
> use
> them or some other description/examples for use with LaTeX.
> In your case, you should set
>   [x] use non-TeX fonts
> (or whatever it is called nowadays) in Document>Settings>Fonts
> and then select your font from the list.
> This will use XeTeX or LuaTeX for compilation - TeX-engines that can work
> with Unicode-encoded system fonts.
> Remember, that in LyX the screen font and the document font will usually
> differ: to change the screen font, use Tools>Settings.
> Günter

John Kane
Kingston ON Canada

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