Op 23-03-15 om 08:38 schreef Michael Berger:

On 03/22/2015 03:36 PM, Cor Blom wrote:
Op 22-03-15 om 14:57 schreef Michael Berger:
PS: neither did 'sudo' work in that ordinary console

BTW: This is strange. What you also could try is make a new user on
your system, log in with that user and try lyx and console there. To
me it looks like something is wrong in your configuration files and
does not have to be lyx related.

I hope this helps you.


Hi Cor,
I am very grateful as you put me (almost) back on track.

I created a new user as advised.
Now I have:
/home/*olduser*/.config/Lyx/lyx.conf (12.0 KiB)
with Spellchecker not working
/home/*newuser*/.config/Lyx/lyx.conf (6.2 KiB)
with Spellchecker working well

- in *newuser* Spellchecker works out of the box as anticipated (tried
with a few new Lyx documents)
- as root I copied a complete folder with various LyX-Documents from
*olduser* into *newuser* (Read-only) and Spellchecker works well
- as root I can open the same LyX-Documents (Read-only) in *olduser* and
*newuser* with Spellchecker working equally well in both

But how can I convince Spellchecker to work in the olduser environment
as olduser?
I dare not touch the olduser's configuration file!

Can you, please, advise how to proceed?

Thanks and cheers,

Hi Michael,

I did not know about the existence of /home/user/.config/LyX. I have it also and it does not contain much that you can use to solve your problem. Spellcheck settings are saved in /home/user/.lyx/preferences Ihave there a SPELLCHECKER SECTION and a LANGUAGE SUPPORT SECTION, where spellcheck settings are stored. The system settings on an openSUSE system can be found in the file /usr/share/lyx/lyxrc.dist

Of course, lyx has a nice dialogue to change the settings, but maybe this can help you to locate the problem.

Hopefully this helps,


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