On Mon, Aug 31, 2015 at 4:16 PM, Benedict Holland
<benedict.m.holl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I have a strange bug and don't know if it is already known. When I install
> lyx from the Ubuntu release repo, I start up lyx and continuous spell check
> is not enabled. I enable it, close down lyx, start up lyx, and continuous
> spell check is not enabled. This is despite the checked box on Aspell that
> it should continually check spelling. Is this a known bug with a nice
> workaround or is this the first time anyone has mentioned it?

Hi Benedict,

I use Ubuntu and haven't seen this before. After you check "continuous
spell check", which button do you hit? Try hitting "Save". Is the
preference still persistent when you exit and restart?


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