It could have been great if I could have pull this through. I tried the
following preamble and it ended with the error :



author={Sajjadul Islam},

title={Laser Sintering},






And The error I got is:


LaTeX Error: File `rtmsc.sty' not found.


Since you already got hold of the rtthesis class you will not find anything
inside the rtthesis folder named rtthesis.sty once you unzip the folder. I
am not sure where it is pointing to by rtmsc.sty.

But I do believe that we can pull this through together. Let me describe
how i managed to insert the LaTeX .cls file into the LyX interface and you
could both address the issue .

1. I believe that you already have the file. I unzipped it
into /usr/share/tex/latex/ , create a directory called rtthesis and copied
all the files inside the newly created directory.

2. Then I ran texhash command with the root priviledge.

3. I created a rtthesis.layout file inside ~/.lyx/ and ran from LyX
interface Tools->Reconfigure.

4. Restarted Lyx and I found the rtthesis showed up.

Since then I just got the class loading properly , but still stuck with the
issue of the inserting the options from the interface either through
preamble/TeX code. Before inserting as preamble , I also tried to insert
the above code directly into the LyX interface by inserting TeX code. But
it did not help .


On Sun, Nov 29, 2015 at 4:10 AM, Sajjad <> wrote:

> If you insert the following through LaTeX preamble how will it affect the
> environment combos at LyX interface where you can insert the
> title,author,section, etc.
> \setupThesis{author = {My name}, title = {My nice thesis}, city = {Important
> city}, year = 2015, type = phd}
> I hope that you understand my concern here. If you go to the upper left 
> corner of the LyX interface you will see the environment combo. You can 
> insert author,title,Abstract through
> the interface as well.
> Right now I am creating the title, author through the interface and the 
> preview does not show the front page, front matter, and the Abstract does not 
> show the roman
> numbering as shown in the pdf you mentioned. If I use setupThesis how can I 
> supress the title, author element that shows up in the interface ? Should the 
> interface
> not be adjusted accordingly to the document class that is currently loaded ?
> Thanks
> On Sat, Nov 28, 2015 at 10:54 PM, Sajjad <> wrote:
>> Thanks
>> In one of the previous posts the following LaTeX command :
>> \setupThesis{key1=value1,key2=value2}
>> I did not find it anywhere in the LaTeX book I am using. Is it something 
>> advanced that you can use custom command ?
>> On Sat, Nov 28, 2015 at 7:02 PM, Sajjad <> wrote:
>>> Thanks !
>>> It worked out eventually. Now I still have many options to enter and you
>>> suggested to preamble . Is there any reference to it where I can started
>>> with ?
>>> On Sat, Nov 28, 2015 at 1:44 AM, Sajjad <> wrote:
>>>> Thanks for the hint!
>>>> I tried but the issue prevails.  I am still getting the same error
>>>> while trying for a pdf preview.
>>>> The .cls file came along with the a pdf file that narrates how to use
>>>> it and all the references are make to the LaTeX commands/notation which I
>>>> am not aware of. At the beginning of the document it, indeed mentions that
>>>> "You must decide on an input encoding from start, and select the
>>>> corresponding
>>>> class option from tabell B.12 on sida 30. You must also tell rtthesis
>>>> whether you
>>>> intend to use part sectioning or not, see tabell B.1. There are many
>>>> more class op-
>>>> tions, but they will be mentioned below where there is room for a more
>>>> detailed
>>>> discussion for the corresponding features."
>>>> How is it possible to insert all the options that are mentioned in the
>>>> documentation through LyX instead of LaTeX ?
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Sajjadul
>>>> On Fri, Nov 27, 2015 at 10:34 PM, Sajjad <> wrote:
>>>>> Hello forum,
>>>>> I managed to insert a custom .cls file into the lyx interface as I can
>>>>> access it from the Documents->Settings.
>>>>> But I get the following error once i try to generate a preview pdf .
>>>>> The errors are as follows:
>>>>> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>>>>> 1. Class rtthesis Error: One of the options `latin1' and `utf8' must
>>>>> be given
>>>>> One of the options `latin1' and `utf8' must be given
>>>>> to select the character encoding of the loaded
>>>>> captions. Guessing your preference is just too
>>>>> dangerous
>>>>> 2. Package rtthesis-captions Error: One of the options `latin1' and
>>>>> `utf8' must
>>>>> One of the options `latin1' and `utf8' must
>>>>> be given to select the character encoding
>>>>> of the loaded captions
>>>>> 3. Package rtthesis-papers-captions Error: One of the options `latin1'
>>>>> and
>>>>> One of the options `latin1' and
>>>>> `utf8' must be given to select the
>>>>> character encoding of the loaded
>>>>> captions
>>>>> 4. LaTeX Error: Option clash for package inputenc.
>>>>> \setcounter
>>>>> {secnumdepth}{3}
>>>>> The package inputenc has already been loaded with options:
>>>>> [latin1]
>>>>> There has now been an attempt to load it with options
>>>>> [latin9]
>>>>> Adding the global options:
>>>>> latin1,latin9
>>>>> to your \documentclass declaration may fix this.
>>>>> Try typing <return> to proceed.
>>>>> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>>>>> I am quite new to LaTex and I must use the custom class to write the
>>>>> report.  Do I have to insert the required values as asked through the
>>>>> .layout file or the .clas file.
>>>>> Some hints over this issue is earnestly requested.
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Sajjadul

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