Thanks sooooo much! Since I sent that post, I had come up with the following

Q. XXX \= \parbox[t]{\columnwidth}{...} \\

Your solution worked MUCH better, since mine, though it kept the text within
the column, left the \parbox extended too far to the right (left margin was OK),
leaving only about 1cm of margin between the text and the right-hand column
edge. I had tried using other variables than \columnwidth, such as \linewidth,
but to no avail. 

So. I'm looking through the preamble stuff you sent, trying to figure our what
you did (time for me to buy a book about TeX, I think). If I could figure out
what in your solution took care of the problem cited immediately above, then I
could solve the same problem for the following element, which suffers the same:

\fbox{\parbox{\columnwidth}{ ... }}

On Fri, 23 Mar 2001, you wrote:
> Christopher Jones wrote:
> > 
> > Thanks to Herr Voss for the tabbing example file. And thanks to everyone for
> > your suggestions.
> > 
> > I decieded to go with latex tabbing. This introduces a problem which seems to
> > derive from my use of another package, namely the multicols package. My
> > document needs to be trifold, three columns. Hence my use of multicols.
> > However, tabbing seems to ignore the fact that there are more than two columns
> > in the document, so that anything within the tabbing environment, though it
> > starts in the correct column, goes right across the page. So in the printout I
> > get text on top of text. In the ps file text just dissappears past a given
> > column. (This is also why I can't use a table, which I tried the first time.)
> > 
> > I would manually insert breaks in the tabbed section, but since I need
> > block-justified text, this (unelegant) solution won't do this time.
> > 
> > So what do I do?
> have a look at the attached lyx-file. it's a solution on the run ...
> if it's useful, copy the latex preamble into the one of your textfile.
> only the bold text in this file is important, the rest is nonsense....
> hope it helps
> Herbert
> -- 

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