On 04/24/2016 09:36 AM, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
... Perhaps somebody could give this problem the final touch!?
I do not understand what you are trying to achieve. In any case, it is
clear that the code you posted above does not produce backlinks, since
it does not use the \hyperpage macro. Also, the dotfill command misses
the backslash.

Maybe this is what you want:


If not, you should explain a bit more what you want.

Moin Jürgen,

I am very sorry for not making myself clear enough!
Your above code returns what I want in scr classes documents > see screenshot "ok.png"

But the same code does not quite so in classicthesis documents > see screenshot "notok.png"

Would be great if you have a clue for that as well!? :-*

Thanks and cheers, Michael

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