On 31.05.2016 10:10, Liviu Andronic wrote:
On Tue, May 31, 2016 at 9:49 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann
<engelm...@uni-tuebingen.de> wrote:
I try to use ClassicThesis under Lyx.
I unpacked this:
(classicthesis-v4.2 is a bugfix release of the classic thesis template that
for the first time introduces BibLaTeX, a powerful package for formatting
citations and references. Due to lacking support in LyX, several hacks have
been applied (wiki.lyx.org/BibTeX/Biblatex) so that standard LyX dialogs
could be used for citation input, and bibliography databases found during
compilation. BibLaTeX is capable of employing several backends for
bibliography management; we provide two: biber, the preferred and most
capable one (but still immature and sometimes glitchy), and bibtex8. If both
fail for you, revert to the old bibliography management with BibTeX.)
and followed this:
Test the template by opening and compiling ClassicThesis.lyx in this order:
1-classicthesis-LyX-v4.2_biblatex_biber/ (tested and worked with TeX Live
2014 on Fedora Linux 22)
2-classicthesis-LyX-v4.2_biblatex_bibtex8/ (tested and worked with MikTeX
2.9 on Windows as well)
Note that this is the same template set up in three different ways - you
will be using only one of the folders.

Under Kubuntu (14. ) and using Lyx2.2.0 (of 23.5.2016)
I get the following errors:
1- csquotes.sty not found
2- csquotes.sty not found
3- mparlack.sty not found

Use Search the contents of packages:

A quick search shows you need to install texlive-latex-extra. Not sure
about mparlack.sty, though.

Under Debian (GNU/Linux 8.4 (jessie) Release: 8.4) and using Lyx2.2.0 (of
23.5.2016) I get the following errors:
1- biblatex.sty not found
2- biblatex.sty not found
3- beramono.sty not found

Here it should probably be texlive-bibtex-extra and texlive-fonts-extra.


What do I have to do to get it working (especially the one under Kubuntu)?
Could it be a texlive issue?


Thanks for the suggestions. It is working now, however, there are two minor issues:


Package biblatex Info: Trying to load language 'ngerman'...

Package biblatex Info: ... file 'ngerman.lbx' found.


File: ngerman.lbx 2014/06/25 v2.9a biblatex localization (PK/JW/AB)

Package biblatex Info: Trying to load language 'german'...

Package biblatex Info: ... file 'german.lbx' found.


File: german.lbx 2014/06/25 v2.9a biblatex localization (PK/JW/AB)

Package biblatex Warning: No hyphenation patterns for 'german' on input line 47 1.

This I do not understand. Classicthesis language is set in English, why is ngerman demanded? If I do need it, how do I load it?

2- with biblatex_biber I do not get the bibliography in the pdf printout.
What has to be done

Thanks again

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