
I have a question concerning the space around centered equation. When you type 
text and then add centered equations you may get a different results if you add 
an empty line; e.g. the following text will produce more spaces in the second 

Test 1
End Test 1

Test 2


End Test 2

When using LyX, the fact that you have generated or not a blank line is 
basically hidden. As far as I know, the only way to detect it is looking at the 
LateX Source panel.
Hence my question is: Is there a workaround to know where I placed a blank line?
Is it possible that Lyx shows a special character, or something similar, to let 
you know where you put a blank line (I mean something like the carriage return 
in WORD, that can be visible or it can be hidden)?

Best regards
Giorgio Zavarise

Giorgio Zavarise
Chair of Structural Mechanics
Chairman of the Italian Group of Computational Mechanics - GIMC 

Università del Salento - Dept. of Engineering for Innovation
Via per Monteroni, edificio “La Stecca”
73100 Lecce

Tel.            +39 0832  29 7275        
Handy   +39   338  26 90187
Email   giorgio.zavar...@unisalento.it <mailto:giorgio.zavar...@unisalento.it>

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