On 10/26/2016 11:08 AM, UD wrote:
Thanks Scott, but that did not work. However, by exporting the Lyx
file to Latex, I discovered that the problem was that the \end{frame}
appeared right after the frame title, leaving the itemized text
outside the frame. Once I corrected that (in the Latex file)
everything was fine. I hate to have to export to Latex, fix things,
and then import back into Lyx...
There does not seem to be an explicit way to tell Lyx to insert an
\end{frame} mark where I want it. BTW-- the manual recommends using
alt+P return to start a new frame, but it does not work in my Lyx 2.2
under Linux Mint. The edit/start new environment (frame) seems to be
available from time to time, but not always. I am sure there is a
logical explanation to all of this, but I don't know what it is.
If you begin an itemization or enumeration after the frame title, you
need to "increase depth" to tuck it into the frame. Failure to do so
results in the \end{frame} coming after the title and before the
itemization. The default binding is alt-shift-right, or you can use the
increase depth button on the toolbar (default location is three icons
right of the itemize button), or Edit > Increase List Depth on the menu.
For starting a new frame, try alt-P followed by shift-return. FWIW, I
use the cua binding, but I added a custom binding, assigning "call
newframe" to ctrl-alt-return. That starts a new frame from anywhere.
I'm also running Mint, with LyX 2.2.2.