On Tue, Apr 03, 2001 at 05:06:41PM +0300, Tuukka Toivonen wrote:
> :
> Ie. the lines (ignoring the square parentheses) are all aligned nicely. In
> pdflatex output, instead, I get:
> :
> [8] This is a long reference
>     that spans to next line
> [9] This is a long reference
>     that spans to next line
> [10] This is a long reference
>     that spans to next line
> :
> Ie, when the reference numbers go over 9, the first line is slightly
> indented too much, just like the label width would be computed
> incorrectly. Is there any /easy/ way to fix this?

I don't know why you have this problem. The T1 fonts are different that OT1
fonts, but the difference is minimal.
Try using the T1 font-encoding, but also add \usepackage{ae,aecompl} in the
preamble (to avoid bitmap fonts) and see if this helps.

A different solution is to redefine the thebibliography environment to
enlarge the space reserved for citation labels:


(replace i#1 by x#1 if needed)

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