2017-12-30 19:22 GMT+01:00 Rich Shepard <rshep...@appl-ecosys.com>:

>   Document class is KOMA-Script article; preamble includes:
> \date{}
> \usepackage[hyphens]{url}
> \makeatletter
> \g@addto@macro{\UrlBreaks}{\UrlOrds}
> \makeatother
> but this URL runs off the right margin; it will not break at the text
> width:
> https://www.epa.gov/pesticide-science-and-assessing-pesticid
> e-risks/evaluation-guideliness-ecological-toxicity-data-open#guidance>
>   It is 131 characters long. Neither the [hyphens] option to the url
> package, nor the last three lines in the preamble fix the length.
>   I've tried formatting it as Verbatim, Verbatim*, and LyX Code also
> without
> success and my web searches find no other suggestions. I've also tried
> changing the font size to \small and \footnotesize (which was worse than
> small because it ran longer into the right margin.)
>   BTW, for a MWE, copy the URL into a KOMA-Script article document.
> Help?

Try enabling Hyperref package. On Document → Settings → PDF Properties
enable "Use Hyperref Support" → on "Hyperlinks" tab select "Break links
over lines".


> Rich

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