On Sat, 30 Dec 2017, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

LyX automagically loads both (since I have both a URL and a hyperlink), at
least according to the source pane. I'm using pdflatex; don't know if that
makes any difference.


  I, too, use pdflatex.

  I'll try it again. Charlie's long macro string chops the address at the
text width in the middle of a work rather than between words. Yes, it keeps
it within the margins but it's not pretty.

  Deleting all but the \date{} line in the preable and trying to preview
brought up an error box telling me that I cannot use the macro '#' in
horizontal mode. Of course, there's no '#' in the address string so I have
no idea where LyX is seeing it.

  Anyway, this document is for my own reference since printing the web page
uses 4- or 6-point type in the resulting .pdf file. My older eyes can't read
it so I copied text from the web page to a LyX document and included the URL
for reference.



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