
On 02/08/2018 10:18 AM, Rich Shepard wrote:


  If I remember correctly, 'journaltitle' is used with biblatex and
'journal' _should_ be used with bibtex.
Sounds correct to me.

Assuming you've exported your bibliography to a .bib file, try doing a
global search and replace to change all instances of "journaltitle" to
"journal", then see if the document compiles correctly.

  JabRef has a function (enabled by clicking on an icon) that inserts the
selected reference in the LyX document where the cursor is positioned. No
human action required.
On my system, at least, the JabRef toolbar button just pushes the \cite{} command into the LyX document at the current cursor location. I still have to set up the BibTeX bibliography in the LyX document as usual. The problem isn't with the citation, it's with the bibliography entry. Assuming you are indeed using bibtex and not biblatex, it sounds as if the .bib file somehow got generated using biblatex syntax (or a mix?).

  The frustrating point is that this is the only reference with this issue. There are a dozen or so other references in this document, a couple of books and the rest journal articles, and it is only this one that has the problem.
The only one saying "journaltitle", or the only one that won't publish (meaning there are others with "journaltitle" that are working)?

  If I can't fix it I'll just drop this one reference; the other two
certainly support the point I'm making.
Ah, but you'd be robbing some poor author of a citation (which we academics cherish). ;-)


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