On Fri, Feb 16, 2018 at 05:01:18PM +0000, Pavel Sanda wrote:
> Pavel Sanda wrote:
> > 1. time to download (/ download speed)
> > 2. country (and/or domain) where you download from
> > 3. whether you download from home/academic network/large company...
> > (you don't have to report more details than it feels comfortable...)
> To start the table with reference times where my fingers reach + Rich's:
> US(CA); 1.88M/s; academic network; UCSD mirror: 89.4M/s 
> US(Or); 454.19 kB/s; local ISP; UCSD mirror: 2Mb/sec
> Ca(Quebec): 242 Kb/s; academic network; UCSD mirror: 393 Kb/s
> EU(Cz); 44.6M/s; academic network

US(FL); 1.33MB/s; residential LAN


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