Suppressing page number in LyX Article style…

  *   I have tried to insert \pagestyle{empty} in the preamble, or
  *   Set Document\Settings…\Page Layout\Page style to *empty*

Both of these give the same effect: page number is kept on the first page, and 
removed from all subsequent pages.

Question: *why* doesn’t this command remove the first page number?


From: <> On Behalf Of Bernt Lie
Sent: Friday, April 6, 2018 19:11
Subject: RE: LyX & article style?

A couple of more tweaks I need to do…

  1.  Is there an easy way to suppress page numbering?
  2.  I have changed font family to Times Roman. Is it possible to use odd body 
font sizes? The template I’m trying to emulate uses 10.5 pt font… ☹
  3.  Is it possible to specify the Times Roman font also for the document 
*title*? (The title looks as if it uses computer modern, or something… but I 
may be wrong.)
  4.  Can I remove the extra space that is above the title? (There *seems* to 
be extra space…)


From: Paul A. Rubin <<>>
Sent: Friday, April 6, 2018 16:20
To: Bernt Lie <<>>;<>
Subject: Re: LyX & article style?

On 04/06/2018 09:58 AM, Bernt Lie wrote:
... both the Address and the Abstract with keywords appear in a first column of 
the two column document. Thus, it appears to not be interpreted as part of the 
heading section/front matter.


This is presumably the inherent design of the article class. If it's not what 
you want, you might consider a different class.

You can "hack" the address, at least, as follows. After typing the author name, 
use Ctrl+Enter or Insert > Formatting > Ragged Line Break to create a second 
author line. Type the address there and, if you wish, select it and use the 
font formatting option to change its size. That should keep the address with 
the author in two column format.

You could probably do something similar for the abstract, but by this point you 
are likely better off with a different document class.


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