On Sat, Aug 25, 2018 at 11:43:37AM +0200, M.B. Schiekel wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Am 23.08.2018 um 18:13 schrieb Kornel Benko:
> > ... That is a problem. The preferences there apply only to
> > text-fonts. We don't have yet preferences for math font in
> > lyx-display. Could be made a feature request though. OTOH, some
> > fonts have own math fonts. Try for instance to use Latin Modern
> > Roman as your serif font. This changes here the display of math
> > formulas, so there is hope. ...
> Hi, Kornel
> thank you for your answer, but unfortunately your suggestion didn't
> worked.
> Now I've fooled around and tried this & that, even a plain vanilla
> installation of openSUSE Leap 15.0, but nothing worked.
> Any other ideas are welcome :-)

You could look at the output from:

  lyx -dbg font

Maybe it provides clues.


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