On Fri, 14 Sep 2018 12:56:25 -0700
Hal Kierstead <hal.kierst...@me.com> wrote:

> > 
> > True. I don't think that we have as a goal for LyX users never to
> > learn LaTeX. In fact, I usually advocate learning LaTeX well before
> > using LyX, because I agree with you that eventually the user will
> > need to learn it anyway.
> > 
> > 
> > Scott  
> I think people should be encouraged to use LyX to learn LaTeX. The
> code window is very useful! In a collaborative world, it is
> impossible to only use LyX, but you can get started only using LyX.
> For instance students should be encouraged to use LyX for homework
> problems, and then their theses, and then editing other peoples
> LaTeX, etc.
> Hal

I'd add to learn Plain-TeX too. Plain-TeX is much more straightforward,
has less exceptions and depends much less on huge arrays of packaged
addons. I can take Plain TeX, with csplain, eplain, kpfonts plus
cs-schola, plipsum, and opmac, and create almost anything except a
colored background (that's the one thing that still eludes me).

Yeah, I could do all that with LaTeX too, but it requires you to either
evaluate and remember sooooooo many addon packages, or to jump through
some amazing hoops to undo some of LaTeX' defaults.

Also, if one learns Plain-TeX, one is in a much better position to
learn the ins and outs of LaTeX.


Steve Litt 
September 2018 featured book: Quit Joblessness: Start Your Own Business

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