On 12/5/18 8:14 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:
On Wed, 5 Dec 2018, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

Try adding the following to your preamble and see if that does what you
\setbeameroption{show notes on second screen}


  I have this worked out ... mostly. Somehow, between saving the file and
logging out last evening and logging in and loading the file this morning
the frame separations were lost.

  My most recent post this afternoon explains how I fixed the problem: using ctrl-alt-Enter put in the end{frame} separators except on the frame with a PDF image. I cannot get the frame end entered so the frame title is on one
slide and the image on the following slide. How this all happened is a
mystery; what I need to learn is how to get the image displayed on the slide
with the frame title.



My answer was about printing slides on the left, notes on the right on one page, not about the separator issue.


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