On 13-Feb-19 11:29 AM, 
avisel...@univ.haifa.ac.il<mailto:avisel...@univ.haifa.ac.il> wrote:

First, I have been using LyX for quite a few years, and would like to take this 
opportunity to thank everybody who is involved in this great project.

Now for my question. Is there a way to leave math mode (inline/displayed 
formulas) "immediately"? One can use the Esc or Space keys, but several presses 
may be required to have the cursor leave the formula completely. I'm looking 
for a way to do it in one hit. If this is not currently implemented, I think it 
could be a very useful addition to LyX.

Using LyX 2.3.2.

Thanks in advance,

One way I found very useful, which does not do exactly what you want, is to use 
backspace to erase the LaTeX code entered. You need to move the cursor current 
position tough. Then, you can re-enter the new code.

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