On 2/22/19 12:35 AM, Christian wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to code a module that allocates a variable in the
> preamble. More specifically, I am using a package that requires to
> allocate a variable in the preamble. For example, if the package is
> called "thepackage" and the variable is called "myvariable" my LaTeX
> code is:
> \documentclass{book}
> \makeatletter
> \usepackage{thepackage}
> \myvariable{Some stuff here}
> \makeatother
> \begin{document}
> \end{document}
> I know how to define an environment using a module, but that just
> includes the definition of the environment in the preamble. I also
> tried to use the option
> InPreamble 1
> but that doesn't seem to work. 

No, you don't want that.

> What I am looking for is a LyX
> layout/style where I can write "Some stuff here", and that this shows
> up in the preamble as \myvariable{Some stuff here}.

Just put in your module:

    % some stuff to go in the preamble.

Note that this does not go into any style or inset declaration but just
sits by itself.

Alternatively, if this material is needed only if a certain style is
used, then you can put, within that style:

        % stuff to add to preamble if this style is used

The enumitem module uses both mechanisms, and many of the others use one
or the other.


> Right now, I am doing this using ERT boxes and the "title and preamble
> hacks" module. I have more than one of those custom variables, so
> editing a large ERT box(es) becomes tedious in LyX. Any ideas?

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