Performing operation scorched earth (a play by play):

Zip Lyx user dir stuff in AppData
Uninstall MikTeX
Laugh at MikTex Uninstall
Delete cruft MikTeX  leaves behind in C:\Program Files (x86)
Uninstall LyX with check box to remove all user data

Reboot machine.

Install MikTex basic-miktex-2.9.7100-x64.exe
Select Letter
Select Auto install dependencies
Click through

Install LyX LyX-233-Installer-1.exe
Click through
Wait for MikTex LyX to check and download any packages.
Watch paint dry
Count the popcorn on the ceiling
Contemplate the meaning of life
Could we detect life on exoplanets by looking near atmosphere for space
junk... hmmmm?  One persons junk is another persons treasure.
LyX/MikTex still spinning.
Could coronal mass ejections (CME) (millions of tons of matter) be
redirected towards earth or moon using magneto hydrodynamics and a series
of satellites  to create the largest 3D Universal (as in solar system)
Printer in the universe? Possibly even separate the matter stream for
various matter types?   Say space mining on steroids?  Hmm lets submit that
question to GSFC public portal.... done.
Hey LyX is done installing
Check Launch LyX

Open my test.lyx
Check for document creation using eyes icon to generate pdf.
Check Document -> Settings
Document Class reads: Unavailable: Article (Standard Class)

Wait... what ... How can it generate a pdf if the cls file cannot be found
by LyX.
At least now it is generating the pdf file, but how?
What da h#!!?
I even switched the document class to another unavailable Article class the
one with Extra Font Sizes and received an error about not being able to
compile the document t yada... yada ...yada and IT STILL COMPILES AND
GENERATES A PDF... What is going on?

Do I need to post a YouTube vid on this bizarro experience?

I am thoroughly confused.

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