On 13-Jul-19 8:57 PM, Brian Davis wrote:
> Performing operation scorched earth (a play by play):
> Zip Lyx user dir stuff in AppData
> Uninstall MikTeX
> Laugh at MikTex Uninstall
> Delete cruft MikTeX leaves behind in C:\Program Files (x86)
> Uninstall LyX with check box to remove all user data
> Reboot machine.
> Install MikTex basic-miktex-2.9.7100-x64.exe
> Select Letter
> Select Auto install dependencies
> Click through
> Install LyX LyX-233-Installer-1.exe
> Click through
> Wait for MikTex LyX to check and download any packages.
> Watch paint dry
> Count the popcorn on the ceiling
> Contemplate the meaning of life
> Could we detect life on exoplanets by looking near atmosphere for 
> space junk... hmmmm?  One persons junk is another persons treasure.
> LyX/MikTex still spinning.
> Could coronal mass ejections (CME) (millions of tons of matter) be 
> redirected towards earth or moon using magneto hydrodynamics and a 
> series of satellites  to create the largest 3D Universal (as in solar 
> system)  Printer in the universe? Possibly even separate the matter 
> stream for various matter types?   Say space mining on steroids?  Hmm 
> lets submit that question to GSFC public portal.... done.
> Hey LyX is done installing
> Finally
> Check Launch LyX
> Open my test.lyx
> Check for document creation using eyes icon to generate pdf.
> Works
> Check Document -> Settings
> Document Class reads: Unavailable: Article (Standard Class)
> Wait... what ... How can it generate a pdf if the cls file cannot be 
> found by LyX.
> At least now it is generating the pdf file, but how?
> What da h#!!?
> I even switched the document class to another unavailable Article 
> class the one with Extra Font Sizes and received an error about not 
> being able to compile the document t yada... yada ...yada and IT STILL 
> COMPILES AND GENERATES A PDF... What is going on?
> Do I need to post a YouTube vid on this bizarro experience?
> I am thoroughly confused.
Hello, I am following your post and would like to help. I am swamped with a 
paper now, are you in hurry for your thesis?
Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:

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