On 8/19/19 1:00 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:
Here LyX-2.3.3 runs on Slackware-14.2.

Commonly, when I put the company letterhead (titlehead environment) above
the report title and set the size at 100% of text width the letterhead is
immediately followed by the title, date, and beginning of the document body
text. This current report does not follow this pattern.

When I preview the attached mwe.lyx the letterhead is on page 1, the title
and data on page 2, and the introduction on page 3.

I need to learn why this happens and how to both fix it here and prevent
recurrence in future reports.

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I think your titlehead PDF gizmo has too much whitespace baked into it. I tinkered with the bounding box settings in the graphics inset, changing the right-top y value to 75 (originally 157). The PDF looked okay to me. In fact, I tried 55 and the PDF still looked good. So I'd suggest seasoning that to taste.


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