> Sometimes, it seems to me LyX makes it wrong and then it is
> difficult to persuade it, what to do. My solution is export to
> LaTeX and check that,

I think you are on to something here. When I just tried it again it suddenly 
worked - magically. The same thing wouldn't work all weekend and I kept 
reading manuals and all documentation I could find...

> Clean it up and import into LyX. Unfortunately, I have no
> example at hand to fire the bug report (but maybe it is a
> feature :-), who knows?).

Well, not necessary anymore. But thank you, I started to doubt my sanity over 
that one :-) And no, unfortunately I can't reproduce this error. So no bug 
report possible either.


Andreas Bauer, baueran at in.tum.de
Web: http://home.in.tum.de/baueran/

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